Monday, June 2, 2008

Tatum O’Neal Arrested For Buying Crack

atum O’Neal was due to be arraigned in New York Monday after being busted for buying crack cocaine near her home, according to authorities.

Police say the Oscar winner was seen making the illicit purchase at about 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Tatum O’Neal was tossed in jail overnight and charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, a misdemeanor.

Also arrested at the scene was a 33-year-old man, believed to be a dealer.

The New York Post says O’Neal told cops, “You know who I am, right?” She said she was “researching a part - I’m doing this for a part as a junkie.”

She is also quoted as asking detectives, “Can’t we just forget about this?”

Tatum ONeal

Tatum O’Neal is the daughter of actor Ryan O’Neal and the ex-wife of John McEnroe. In her autobiography, she says she was abandoned by a drug addict mom (actress Joanna Moore) at age seven and began using drugs by 14.

The winner of the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for Paper Moon in 1973, O’Neal chronicled her struggles with addiction in her 2004 memoir, A Paper Life. The actress completed rehab in 1996 and claimed to be clean.
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