Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Face-Off: Did Bill Clinton Shag Gina Gershon?

new article in Vanity Fair says Bill Clinton has “visited” with Gina Gershon (among other women) since leaving the White House. But did Bubba actually close the deal with the actress? That’s the subject of today’s Face-Off …


YES by mischalova

On one side of this issue, we have Bill Clinton. He’s known for two things:

Presiding over a peaceful nation during an era of economic prosperity;
Sleeping with lots and lots of women.
If the former President was willing to have an affair while in office, are we really to believe he’s kept his pants zipped while traveling the world for a decade?

Heck, Hillary probably gave him Gina Gershon’s phone number, just to get him off… the campaign trail.

As for Gershon, her film resume isn’t exactly taking off these days. (No offense to fans of P.S. I Love You).

As celebrities from Kim Kardashian to Lindsay Lohan have proven, publicizing your sex life can only result in a career boost.

Combine Bubba’s liberal libido with Gina Gershon’s hunger for fame and you get a fling made in celebrity gossip heaven.

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